Sunday, August 9, 2009

Senator Mel Martinez as Snagglepuss: Exit Stage Left!

Heavens To Murgatroid!

Martinez, 62, was elected in 2004 after serving as the U.S. secretary for housing and urban development under President George W. Bush. He served as general chairman of the Republican National Committee for 10 months, resigning in October 2007.

He was born in Cuba. At 15, he fled to America as part of a Catholic humanitarian effort called Operation Pedro Pan. Catholic charitable groups provided Martinez, who was alone and spoke virtually no English, a temporary home at two youth facilities. He then lived with two foster families, with whom he remains close. He was reunited with his family in Orlando in 1966.

Martinez has denied that he was forgoing a second term because of concerns about difficult re-election prospects in a state won by President Barack Obama. But he has struggled to boost public support because of his close ties to former President George W. Bush and his efforts pushing an immigration bill that was unpopular with many Republicans.

Link to entire article from Votolanino in post title!

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