No, Not My America, You Mean Our America
This post is written by a writer called 2morrowknight
"One of the most incendiary and obvious attacks on the President has come from some recent town hall participants across the country: "I want my America back," they shout. My America? Wow. This statement is utterly disgusting. No need to expound on it because it's become very clear what it all means.
To all those mouthing this ridiculously coded crap, I offer an alternative view: America's racial and ethnic diversity is what has made this country rich, incandescent, and beautiful. Yes, there are different perspectives, different views, and different prescriptions for alleviating America's problems. Yes, many people, but one country. Not just my country, but our country.
I am member of one of the oldest black families in North Carolina, dating back to a plantation from the mid 1700s. But why am I any more American than recent immigrants from Mexico, Vietnam, Iran, Uganda, or Poland? The notion is ridiculous. America is continuously evolving, and it's our responsibility to adjust and adapt to some of the changes...in our America."
2morrowknight is an author, blogger, and community activist whose work has been published in The Stimulist, Womentality Magazine and Essence.com. He has lectured at leading colleges and universities, including Morehouse, Spelman, and Emory University. 2morrowknight’s first children’s book is scheduled to be released in early 2010. Email 2morrowknight at 2morrowknight@live.com.
Hat-tip: huffingtonpost.com
You might want to read this before believing what HuffPo tells you.
I read the linked article and still agree with sentiments of the post I made here. Btw, I tried to make a comment, but couldn't find the comment box, that was way to much trouble. Seeya!
Code: I want white America back! Amazing
Code: I want white America back! Amazing
Code: I want white America back! Amazing
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